Tuesday, April 10, 2007

So ...

... my snow-capped tulips survived, only to be gobbled by Squirrel Buttkin. DH saw it with his own two eyes: "I just watched a squirrel chew the heads off our tulips."
...I can't post photos of said tulips, because my laptop is fried. Under warranty, and backed-up, but fried nonetheless.
...I'm in my house with no family members within 100 miles of me. This would be a beeyootiful thing, except that
...I'm sick.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Welcome to the mid-Atlantic

You just don't see this very often.

But this is what visited us this morning.

I have forty-odd azaleas in my backyard. I don't much care for azaleas. But en masse, by golly, they are something to behold, and I'm glad they're there. The first year we lived here, after they bloomed, I pruned them -- they needed it -- and made a double-minivan-sized pile of brush in my driveway. About due for same this year. Will it happen? Heh. Yep. In all my spare time.

But it would be satisfying, all that hacking.

In one shady spot, a previous owner apparently set out to add a water feature, even to the point of sinking a ring of tulip bulbs around its perimeter. The first couple of years we lived here, I'd see these random tulip leaves shoot up out there in the shade. But the third year, one bloomed. We could see it out our kitchen window -- the morning light would catch it, light it up. Last year, I dug them all up and moved them, sprinkled on some bonemeal, waited. Those two up top, those are the yield. There are three additional random tulip leaf upshoots. Maybe next year.

Okay, Blogger apparently doesn't want me to add another photo, to steal fire from what's already here. Fine. Finefinefine. But I wanted to put up more flower photos. And yarn purchases. Not knitting, mind you, although there is a baby hat in the works.