Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I love knitting people

For want of a comma: I love knitting, people. That's true, too, but I'm saying exactly what I mean, here: I love people who knit.

(I are an editer. Didja know?)

I'm just sayin'. I love knitting people. I love, for instance, going to the Harlot's blog and seeing her seeing knitters, and then I go down the rabbit trails she provides (Update: I learned to add links to the sidebar! What's next???) Endless. And from these I find more knitters. Plus, I want to share stuff I find on my own. These are just a few of the folks I want to list HERE, and in my sidebar. (Mwahhhhhhhh!)

Argh, argh, and double argh. I think I'm going to have to take a mental health day sometime soon.

People, I love knitting. I love knitting, people. I love knitting people. I love people. Well, some of them. I love. People I love, knitting (WHAT could be BETTER?). Knitting people love I. (That one makes my teeth itch, like that Paula Cole song that makes me want to shoot myself: "Open up your morning light, and say a little prayer for I.") You get it. You're smart. You're KNITTING PEOPLE.

Beautiful Ann, all will be revealed. Eventually. On the mental health day. Probably sometime in July.

The Short One: Mom. What does exercise do?

Me: You are SO asking the wrong person ....

Friday, April 14, 2006

get me outta here ... or not

Okay, this photo is supposed to appear at the end of this post. One of these days I will wrap my mind about this positioning-photos thing.

Last week, my sister and I flew down to visit my mamaleh in Georgia (me from Richmond, my sister from Pennsylvania) (my having left my cell phone at home made the airport-finding-sister thing exciting, let me tell you). In a little town south of there, Watkinsville, is a wonderful [how to do that scratching-out thing The Harlot does?] little ... no, not little ... wonderful (yes, it bears repeating: wonderfully wonderful) yarn shop called ... the name escapes me. But I can assure you there is only one yarn shop in Watkinsville, Georgia, and it's right downtown. My point? I was there exactly 29 hours and I went there thrice. And I wanted to stay. In fact, that place made me think I could live there if I had to.

Thank God I don't have to. And that's all I need to say about dat.

For now, here's this, actually an old project:

Yes, this is where this photo was supposed to appear.

Actually, I wrote this post WHILE I was in Georgia, and I just now went through and changed all the tenses so it wouldn't sound stupid. So sorry, but I don't have the energy to fix the headline.

A new thought, though -- I love knitting people, and I love reading anything they have to say, and I love how we share each other, and I look forward to figuring out how to link to other blogs and all that. Guess that's not a new thought. But it's important to me.

And another thing: I'll miss looking at darlin' Ace. But I won't miss listening to him. I admit this freely.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

somebody tell me how to get this in my sidebar