So what do I do while waiting for a swatch to block? The coral-colored stuff draped on the Boggart -- Rowan Soft Tweed, Reading the Ball Band Involves Locating the Reading Glasses, 50-odd % wool, something % viscose, something % something, 10-ish % silk, ahh -- the color is Bramble.
(Bramble? Um, whatever.) I'm looking to make a top-down raglan linebacker sweater with an open-ish neckline, sort of a cross between
this and
this, with a bit of striping, Bramble up top, another color down below. I got the yarn at a seasonal sale at my LYS, enough for an abundant sweater ... not all in one color. I got one bag of the Bramble (sigh) and one bag of Blanket (grey, with blue fliths), each 10 balls of 87 m, and I already had one ball of a color I believe is called Sprig, although I can't be sure.
That lonely ball is how I discovered this lovely yarn in the first place. DH was given a wonderful hemp-wool sweater by the Outlet Shopper Queen, my sister (D in the last entry -- hereafter known as OSQ), and one day last winter it turned up with a horrific hole in the back, down low. Called the company, sweater discontinued, no idea where to get the yarn, yadda yadda; I went to LYS, which had no hempy stuff, but did have this in exACTly the right color, which was the Sprig.
As I made my gimpy attempt at darning, using probably 7 inches of the $9-ish skein, folks, I fell in love. Months later, when I saw said yarn at the LYS on sale, even though I was looking specifically for something for DH's first sweater from me and it just wasn't happening, and I saw a basket of the Rowan stuff and couldn't find enough in any one color for a sweater, by golly, I still had to take a bunch home. I do so look forward to wrapping myself in it. And DH, this man, he's just the kind of man who totally understands this kind of thing. He'll be getting a nice ... something-or-other for Christmas. (I managed to make him felted clogs without him knowing until he unwrapped the enormous things -- we felted them Xmas a.m., adding to 4-kid X-mas stress, but we're used to that.) (Suggestions, from the void? Something less than a sweater? I do have ideas, but I welcome help.)
So, for now, what do I do while I wait out the blocking? Maybe a few rows on Diamond (she needs a name). This, of course, involves a half-hour of trying to figure out where I left off, not to mention, you know, finding the copy I made of the chart, on which I wrote out my system. Which is to say, never mind.
Heh. Yeah, by the time all that happens, the swatch will have blocked, kids will have slept through a night, two football games will have been played, and I will have nailed down the specs for my partially self-designed sweater.
It's a good thing its gauge is 3 st. / in. ... Innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnstant grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrratification!